LeetCode 767. Reorganize String
December 09, 2020Claims (that I'm not going to prove):
- For an input of length , if there is any character, , such that , any reorganized string must have at least two adjacent characters that are both .
- Our algorithm will work if it adds characters one by one and the highest character count is always .
If at each step we add the highest count character, that condition will always hold. We can have repeats, though, so if the highest count character is a repeat, we can use the second highest on that step instead. At worst, the highest count will be reducing by each step and that will keep it under the limit from claim 2.
We build our count map and our heap in time and space.
The loop to build our result string has iterations and takes time per iteration due to the heap pops and pushes.
This algorithm is .
from collections import defaultdict
import heapq
import math
import unittest
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.s = Solution()
def test_examples(self):
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("aab"), "aba")
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("aaab"), "")
def test_simple(self):
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("z"), "z")
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("aabbcc"), "abcabc")
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("aaaabbbccd"), "ababacabcd")
def test_outlier(self):
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("aaabc"), "abaca")
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("aaaabbccd"), "abacabacd")
self.assertEqual(self.s.reorganizeString("aaabbcc"), "abacabc")
class MaxHeap:
def __init__(self, i):
self._h = [(-e[0], e[1]) for e in i]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._h)
def push(self, e):
heapq.heappush(self._h, (-e[0], e[1]))
def pop(self):
e = heapq.heappop(self._h)
return (-e[0], e[1])
def peek(self):
e = self._h[0]
return (-e[0], e[1])
class Solution:
def reorganizeString(self, S: str) -> str:
counts = defaultdict(int)
maxc = 0
for c in S:
counts[c] += 1
maxc = max(maxc, counts[c])
if maxc > math.ceil(len(S)/2):
return ""
heap = MaxHeap([(c,s) for s,c in counts.items()])
res = ""
while heap:
nxt = heap.pop()
if res and res[-1] == nxt[1]:
tmp = heap.pop()
nxt = tmp
res += nxt[1]
if nxt[0] > 1:
heap.push((nxt[0]-1, nxt[1]))
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":