LeetCode 85. Maximal Rectangle
December 10, 2020The brute force solution takes time since there are possible sub-rectangles.
We can do this faster in time:
- Build a column-wise cumulative sum histogram for each row, e.g. would become:
- For each of the histograms, find the maximum rectangle in time using the largest rectangle in histogram algorithm.
from typing import List, Tuple
import unittest
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.s = Solution()
def test_examples(self):
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([["1","0","1","0","0"],["1","0","1","1","1"],["1","1","1","1","1"],["1","0","0","1","0"]]), 6)
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([]), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([["0"]]), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([["1"]]), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([["0","0"]]), 0)
def test_row(self):
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([["1","0","1","1"]]), 2)
def test_col(self):
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([["1","0","1","0","0"],["1","0","1","1","1"],["1","1","0","0","1"],["1","0","0","1","0"]]), 4)
self.assertEqual(self.s.maximalRectangle([["1","1","1","0","0"],["1","1","1","1","1"],["1","1","0","0","1"],["1","1","0","1","0"]]), 8)
class Solution:
def maximalRectangle(self, matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:
if not matrix:
return 0
# Build histograms
hists = []
for r in matrix:
nums = [int(c) for c in r]
if hists:
nums = [hists[-1][i] + nums[i] if nums[i] > 0 else 0 for i in range(len(nums))]
# Find max rectangles
return max([self.largestRectangleArea(h) for h in hists])
"""From the largest rectangle in histogram problem."""
def _processStack(self, stack: List[Tuple[int, int]], max_height: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
# Returns (<max area>, <sum of counts>) for the popped elements.
area = c = 0
while stack and (max_height == None or stack[-1][0] > max_height):
b = stack.pop()
c += b[1]
area = max(area, b[0] * c)
return area, c
"""From the largest rectangle in histogram problem."""
def largestRectangleArea(self, heights: List[int]) -> int:
stack = []
area = 0
for i in range(len(heights)):
poss, c = self._processStack(stack, heights[i])
area = max(area, poss)
if stack and stack[-1][0] == heights[i]:
stack[-1][1] += c+1
stack.append([heights[i], c+1])
poss, _ = self._processStack(stack, None)
area = max(area, poss)
return area
if __name__ == "__main__":