LeetCode 1379. Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree

September 14, 2020

We can find the path from targettarget to the root of the tree in O(log(n))O(log(n)) time. And with that path, we can walk to the parallel node in the clonedcloned tree.

What path representation should we use? Our path representation needs to be reversible. We could build a list of left/right turns and then walk the list in reverse order on the clonedcloned tree.

Just kidding… we don't have parent pointers in the TreeNodeTreeNode class.

I guess we need to do an O(n)O(n) search. We don't have any insight into the distribution of targettarget nodes or the character of tree completeness, so we might as well do a DFS. Since we have to do a graph search on cloned trees, we can do a parallel DFS and return the clonedcloned node when we find the parallel originaloriginal node that matches targettarget.

This parallel search works for the problem's follow up: Solve the problem if repeated values on the tree are allowed.

from typing import List
import unittest

from .. import TreeNode

class Test(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.s = Solution()

    def _get_target(self, t: TreeNode, v: int) -> TreeNode:
        """Gets the TreeNode with val=v.

            t: The root of a TreeNode tree.
            v: The node value we're searching for.

            TreeNode: The TreeNode in <t> with val <v>. <None> if no such node exists.
        look_at = [t]
        while look_at:
            pop = look_at.pop()
            if not pop:
            if pop.val == v:
                return pop

    def test_examples(self):
        o = TreeNode.from_list([7,4,3,None,None,6,19])
        c = TreeNode.from_list([7,4,3,None,None,6,19])
        to = self._get_target(o, 3)
        tc = self._get_target(c, 3)
        self.assertIs(self.s.getTargetCopy(o, c, to), tc)
        o = TreeNode.from_list([7])
        c = TreeNode.from_list([7])
        to = self._get_target(o, 7)
        tc = self._get_target(c, 7)
        self.assertIs(self.s.getTargetCopy(o, c, to), tc)
        o = TreeNode.from_list([8,None,6,None,5,None,4,None,3,None,2,None,1])
        c = TreeNode.from_list([8,None,6,None,5,None,4,None,3,None,2,None,1])
        to = self._get_target(o, 4)
        tc = self._get_target(c, 4)
        self.assertIs(self.s.getTargetCopy(o, c, to), tc)
        o = TreeNode.from_list([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
        c = TreeNode.from_list([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
        to = self._get_target(o, 5)
        tc = self._get_target(c, 5)
        self.assertIs(self.s.getTargetCopy(o, c, to), tc)
        o = TreeNode.from_list([1,2,None,3])
        c = TreeNode.from_list([1,2,None,3])
        to = self._get_target(o, 2)
        tc = self._get_target(c, 2)
        self.assertIs(self.s.getTargetCopy(o, c, to), tc)

class Solution:

    def getTargetCopy(self, original: TreeNode, cloned: TreeNode, target: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not original or original == target:
            return cloned
        l = self.getTargetCopy(original.left, cloned.left, target)
        if l:
            return l
        r = self.getTargetCopy(original.right, cloned.right, target)
        if r:
            return r

if __name__ == "__main__":