Happy Birthday!
Partner Warmup Drills
(15 minutes)
- Handfight -> Hand & Head -> Leg Touch
- Snapdowns
Live Positional
(15 minutes)
Context: A month ago, we worked on gripping and sweep options from seated guard against a kneeling opponent. Recently, we've been working on wrestle ups and SLX entries when our opponent is standing / exposing legs. Today, we'll mix the two a bit and use wrestle up components against a grounded opponent.
Chicken Dinner; switch out of if you win 3 times.
Chicken is in seated guard, opponent starts on knees.
Snapdown from Seated Guard
- Start in seated guard with opponent sitting on their heels.
- Collar tie & combat base situp, free hand posting behind, pressuring into opponent.
- Get up to back knee and windshield out.
- Snapdown as you pull your lead foot away.
- End in front headlock position.
You could also make space by doing a technical standup away from your opponent or you could use your bottom foot to kick out your opponents knee (see Brian Glick video for details on the knee kick).
- have a secure collar tie
- make space for your opponent to fall into
(15 minutes)
Guillotine from Front Headlock
- Start in front headlock with opponent on hands and knees.
- Shoulder pressure into back of neck and convert your chin strap grip to a deep guillotine grip.
- Other hand gets an overhand five finger grip on the side of your choking palm. pause and check everyone's grip here
- Sit into guard, on your side, pulling opponent's head into your pocket. Produce a bend in opponent's neck as you sit.
- Throw outside leg over opponent's back to stop the jump-over.
- "Rock the baby" and hamstring curl to finish.
- High elbow
- Diesel Squeezel
- keep opponent's body all on the same side of yours
- finish on your side, not your back
- keep opponent's neck covered
- keep your upper body control tight as you sit back / pull them into the pocket
(15 minutes)
Live Positional
(2 minute rounds)
- First to points
- Same position as the Chicken Dinner rounds
- I'll switch you top to bottom
Live Rounds
(30 minutes)
3 - 6 minute rounds depending on energy levels.